Ice Flash Archive

24Jan 2015

Ice Breaking News with multiple splashes

So many things are happening in IISA it is hard to keep up

Welcome to our first Frozen Ice Swimmer from Slovakia:

Ondrej Pék and Dezider Pék  from Horný Bar, Slovakia - Welcome to our frozen club and can we have more information of your town - Horný Bar 🙂








Welcome to Catherine Sunley from England. Our first Frozen bionic female. Catherine is disabled with one leg and her achievement in the Ice is phenomenal. Welcome to our Frozen club and well done.








Last but not the least:


We would like to announce IISA three new country ambassadors:

An IISA Country Ambassador rule is to represents IISA in his or her country, to promote Ice Swimming in the country, to promote safety and experience and to assist members or Ice Swimming aspirants. The country ambassador is also to represent his or her country Ice Swimming abroad and assist IISA with local events and any issues arising. It is an important role in a small and rapidly growing extreme sport.

"Icy" Welcome to

Josef Kobrel – Austria







Paolo Chirano - Italy







Christof Wanderburg - Germany






18Jan 2015

Welcome to Bruno Dobelmann Ice Schwimmer

Bruno Dobelmann Ice Schwimmer

our second frozen one from Germany

Well done Bruno for you Ice Mile + (1.13mile) and welcome to our Frozen Club.



13Jan 2015

Frozen foursome from Boston

Welcome to our newly Frozen women from Boston, USA.


Kellie Joyce,  Paula Yankanuskas,  Helen (Happy) Lin and Rena Demeo. The frozen foursome have completed an Ice Mile in Boston Harbour under two veteran Ice Milers supervision. Frozen and delighted they defrosted slowly to join the mad ranks of the Frozen ones.

Well Done and keep cool

07Jan 2015

Bravo Paolo – from Italy

And now Italy joins the Icy Club


Well done to Paolo Chiarino from Italy for cracking the Ice challenge and becoming Italy first Ice Member.

Also well done to Pauline Barker, one of IISA England Country Ambassador for completing her 2nd Ice Mile.


Paolo Chiarino from Italy An Ice Swimmer


Pauline Barker UK IISA ambassador Dancing in the Sahara desert

02Jan 2015

The Czech are coming !!!

Well done to the last Ice Miles of 2014 who swam on the 31st Dec 2014

Three hard core Czech swimmers and one lost Capetonian who happened to be in the neighbourhood:

  1. Jiri Neuman – 2nd Ice Mile
  2. Zdenek Tlamicha – 1st Ice Mile Official and 2nd to be confirmed
  3. Jakub Valnicek – 1st Ice Mile
  4. Ram Barkai – 8th Ice Mile

The swim took place in the Vltava River, Branik, Prague, Czech Republic

We still have an interesting list of swims that have been done in Dec 2014 around the world, but yet to be submitted and verified

Here we come 2015



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