IISA Member Bio

Karen Bisley

IISA ID:  3409
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Karen Bisley
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Ice Miles: 0
About Karen Bisley
Dr Karen Bisley is a Sports and Exercise Physician practicing in Canberra, Australia.

Karen completed her medical degree at the University of Otago, New Zealand, graduating in 1992. She received a Diploma of Sports Medicine from the University of Auckland, and a Masters of Health Science with Distinction (Sports Medicine) from the University of Otago. Karen is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Sports and Exercise Physicians, and also the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

She has had wide experience in many sports but has a passion for swimming. She was an Open Water Swimmer, with accomplishments including Cook Strait and Lake Taupo. Karen has provided medical support for many open water swims. She is the Medical Director for the Canberra Marathon and has dealt with runners with both hyper and hypothermia. Karen is a member of the NZ Ice Swimmers association.

For her Masters Karen completed a research project about cold water immersion – “The use of skinfold measurements to predict outcome in open-water swim attempts in Cook Strait.” (NZJSM, Jan 2014).


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