Ice Shop is open

The increase demand for IISA branded items has lead us to open our shop

Only IISA is allowed to sell IISA branded items.

We are in the process of shifting the IISA badges to the local countries so it will be easier and cheaper to deliver.

Each Ice Mile comes with the Hi-Res Digital Certificate and a Badge.

The sale of these items helps us to fund the cost of our website and admin database.

We have sent a lot of time and effort to create this superb website and we continue to evolve it daily.

We still encourage people to purchase their own Red Jacket in their home country. It is an expensive exercise to order single jackets and ship them overseas.

New Features to Website

  • Each Ice Mile applicant receives his/her Hi Res Certificate attached to his/Her Swim page. You can print as many as you want. It is around 2.5MG, so it is above and document required quality and it will print on any paper like a picture.
  • The Certificate will be there forever for you to display and download.
  • One you have purchased a 3D printer - you will be able to print your cloth badge as well (in design, give us few years to finish that).
  • Now every swimmers can follow the status of his/her Ice Mile application online. Once submitted, you can go to your Bio page and see all your previous swims and pending swims. The Pending swims will be in Grey once submitted and in Red once Witness and Observer have verified your swim.
  • You will also be able to edit your swim application  - only adding document.
  • We are working on more.... as we grow.

KKEP IT SAFE and Frozen



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