Ice Mile Indemnity

I hereby declare that:

1. I have read and familiarised myself with the IISA rules as stipulated by IISA and published on the IISA website. I fully understand the IISA rules and consider them to be binding on me and I undertake to comply with the IISA rules fully.
2. I have decided of my own initiative to attempt an Ice Mile (“The Attempt”) under IISA rules and I do so entirely at my own risk.
3. I am acquainted with The Attempt requirements and with the risks and hazards of Ice swimming.
4. These risks include those attendants on or posed by:
4.1. Exposure to extreme cold water, below 5C for prolonged periods of time
4.2. Risk of hypothermia and exhaustion and the possible effects on my personal health of body and mind.
4.3. Wind, currents, and weather changes.
4.4. Medical emergency or drowning.
5. I have qualified for The Attempt and I have passed the IISA Medical Assessment including an ECG as per IISA rules.
6. None of the IISA board members, its officers or employees, volunteers aiding to IISA in relation to The Attempt, are responsible for apprising me of any of the risks, dangers or hazards pertaining thereto.
7. Neither I nor my estate, guardian(s) or dependants shall have any claim for any harm, loss, injury or damage which I might sustain as a result of my participation in The Attempt against any of:
7.1. International Ice Swimming Association (or any of its members, officers, officials or representatives) who may be involved in the organization, planning, supervision, monitoring or officiating of The Attempt.
7.2. Volunteers aiding in relation to The Attempt or its organization.
8. All paddlers, boatmen and support personnel, who have volunteered to or do provide assistance and support or and in relation to the Swim and its participants.
9. My estate and I undertake to indemnify and hold harmless the organizers and the officials against any claims against them arising from any harm, loss, injury, or damage sustained by me during or in consequence of The Attempt.
10. This waiver and indemnity, once signed, is irrevocable and shall continue to operate hereafter in respect of all open-­‐water swims in which I participate and in which the IISA is involved in any capacity.
11. I hereby declare that I haven’t had any COVID-19 symptoms in the past 10 days, I have not tested positive in the past 14 days and I am fit, healthy and show no symptoms of the COVID-19. I understand COVID-19 current restrictions and requirements and I will adhere to them as required by law.


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