Dear frozen ones,

So much is happening at IISA recently – very exciting!

We had a long and hard look at our rules, safety and the new events. We have made some changes and improvements as our sport continues to evolve and learn form its experiences. It is great to have Jonty and Ned on the board and thanks to those of you who joined our debates and contributed greatly.

We are busy upgrading our website. The new website should be up and running September this year. We are looking to automate the application process online. Every swim will receive some space to describe the swim, pics and videos. This will create a wonderful wealth of knowledge and experience of Ice Swimming. We are also setting up a forum where we will all be able to debate and share our experiences.

We have revisited some of the rules. We will publish the final version in the next few days. That will be reviewed again in 6 months time.

Some of the changes:

  1. Diving:
    1. For safety reasons we decided to forbid diving into the icy waters.
    2. Every swim must start in the water at chest height.
  2. Jammers – after long consideration we decided to progress with the rest of the world and allow Jammers. They must be from the same material allowed by FINA in open water events.
  3. 1km Events:
    1. We are aiming to have national races around the world on an annual basis within two years. We will hold a world championship every two years on odd years. 2015, 2017, ...
  4. Ice Mile events – we allow for collective organised Ice Mile attempts.
  5. Pre Approvals:
    1. Individual swims will continue as per current rules, with applications to IISA for ratification post swim.
    2. 1km events will require submitting comprehensive plan to IISA and will include IISA officials.
    3. 1 Mile Event – will require a notification to IISA and approval of Safety plan.
  6. Qualifying:
    1. An attempt for an Ice Mile must have a previous record of cold water swimming and at least 600m in water under 5C.
    2. Qualifying for 1km event require at least 450m in water under 5C or 1km in water of 6C.
  7. Swimmers per event:
    1. We follow the 4:1 ratio - Swimmer:Doctor.
    2. The Doctors will be required to have relevant experience in cold water immersion.
  8. Our First world champ will be held in Murmansk mid march 2015. A formal announcement will be made soon.
  9. Entries for the 1km swim will be open soon
  10. FINA and the Olympic committee will be present at the Championship

We hope to see you all in Scotland for the Conference in September. Don’t forget your red jacket!!!


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