Dear Frozen ones

Winter is approaching in the North and the Ice is calling.

You may have noticed that we changed the WARM Membership to COOL after big and lengthy debate. We received proposals to change it to HOT or COOL and COOL won at the end.

A word about Membership:

COOL member can be anyone - please encourage friends, family, supporters and just COOL friends to register.

COLD - if you completed a 1km Ice swim in one of our event you will be promoted to a COLD member, and if you have done a ICE Mile you will always be as COOL and as COLD as ICE!

Entries for the 1st IISA World Championship in Murmansk - ARE officially OPEN!

In order to be allegeable to apply one has to have done at least one 450m swim according to IISA rules under 5C.

Places are very limited. WE will only allow 40 swimmers in total.

If you are not a member, you must register as a COOL Member.

Every participant requires a SECOND. A Second is another person that you will trust him/her with your life!

You will brief that person about your concerns and requirements. He/she will accompany you from the warming room to the pool. Will supervise your start, swim and exit. He/She is the one who will be watching ONLY YOU your entire swim.

If you have someone who is coming, amiable or there to Second you, great. Else, we will assign you a Second on registration.


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