Swim Date:10 Feb 2023
Location:Andark Lake
Ice Swim Info
Avg Water Temp:4.63°C
Temp Reading 1:4.50°C
Temp Reading 2:4.70°C
Temp Reading 3:4.70°C
Body of Water:Lake
Fresh/Salt Water:Fresh Water
Open Water Mass:purpose built lake
GPS Location:50.52° N   1.17° E
Support:Land Support
Swim Distance:1.0100 miles
1.63km, Pace 132s/100m
Time Taken:0:35:42
Air Temperature:10.02°C
Wind Speed:1.00 km/h
Wind Chill:10.00°C
Recent Heart Rate:67 (resting)
Blood Pressure:130 / 70
Stroke Rate 1:64/min (start of swim)
Stroke Rate 2:60/min (end of swim)
Avg Stroke Rate:62/min
Swim Story
Really happy to finally get to do my ice mile after 3 years of trying and not quite getting the temperatures we needed. Very grateful to all involved for helping us to achieve this. It was worth the wait!